Art Therapy - Entry 18

Suzy Dotson

Art Therapy - Entry 18

Many people engage with the arts because they are good at it. They are "artists." They have proven to the world that they are talented at their chosen skill and have chosen to spend their lives pursuing their talents. 

But what about those of us that aren't as talented in the arts? Should we just stick to what we know and leave it to the professionals? Or is there a place for us in the creative space? I think yes. 

Art does not have to be perfect. Art does not have to be acclaimed by many to be thought of as 'good.' I believe art can simply be a form of therapy. I have reflected many times over in my blog posts that I use art as a way to calm down and easy my anxiety. But self-doubt creeps into my head telling my that is not a good enough reason to try something artistic. 

I have to remind myself that it is. Choosing to draw, paint, play the piano, make a sculpture, or create a Pinterest board for the sake of therapy is enough. As a society, we need to let go of the societal pressures that tell us art needs to be perfect, extravagant, or acclaimed by others to be considered art. Art can just be used as a way to calm down -- and that's enough. 


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