Chiat Day - Entry 24

Suzy Dotson

Chiat Day - Entry 24 

Today, my group presented on the ad agency Chiat Day. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. As we near the end of the semester, it feels like everyday there is a new assignment, new deadline, and the clock keeps ticking towards finals. 

But I wanted to reflect on all that I have learned about the remarkable work done at Chiat Day. How amazing is it that a sinking agency could combine with a profitable agency to create one of the most esteemed, powerful companies in the advertising world? That is what I love about creativity -- it is all about connections. Connecting two unlikely partners created a masterpiece. Connecting an outlandish idea, 1984, with an unknown computer brand, Apple, created an ad that went down in history. 

With connections, time also plays a huge role in the creative process. So many times, whether that be in an advertising class or art history class, we hear about artists who struggled but are now famous, long after they're gone. I mean, Van Gogh was a struggling, poor artist his entire life. I often think about musicians, songwriters, artists, and playwrights that we all shrug off. Is the next Van Gogh sitting next to me in class and I don't even know it? 


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