Commercial - Entry 10

Suzy Dotson

Commercial Making Process - Entry 10 

The commercial-making process was actually quite enjoyable. I procrastinated as long as I could because, honestly, I am not the most tech-savvy, and the idea of using online software to make a video terrified me. But once I did my research, found out I could use Canva, and started my work, I found out that I loved doing it. It was so fun to take a blank "canvas" and completely make something new and fresh. 

I realized, and have mentioned here before, the total crippling effect that fear can have on the creative process. I let my fear infiltrate my procrastination when I shouldn't have -- I knew what I was doing and ended up loving the process. My lesson here is to put fear aside and trust my creative instincts, even when it comes to such a scary task as technology. 


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