Covid? Creativity - Entry 16

Suzy Dotson

Covid? Creativity - Entry 16

When COVID struck, I was feeling hopeless. Am I ever going to be able to leave my house again? We all felt trapped, confused, and lost. But after the initial shock of the pandemic died down and we began to set a quarantine routine for ourselves, I remember having a conversation with my mom about the impact it was going to have on creativity. 

We were reflecting on how all businesses had stopped, the stock market was crashing, and it seemed like the normal ways things had been run were no more. Humans were standing still. There was no more rushing, no more moving to the next thing, no more working towards something better—because we couldn't. 

I looked at my mom and said, "We are going to see more art, more movies, and more creativity than we ever have before." She looked at me like I was crazy. People are depressed, sad, mental health is crippling, how are they going to be creative? It's because we now had the time to be still. Along with being still, we were able to reflect on greater times, causing our gratefulness and longingness to strike dreaming and wishfulness. 

COVID taught me the importance that being still has on the creative process. We, as humans, need to stop, stand, and listen to ourselves and others, and from that, new ideas can grow. 


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