Eulogies - Entry 28

Suzy Dotson

Eulogies - Entry 28 

How weird that the same day I write two pretend eulogies for myself my grandmother passes away? Life is weird that way. 

Creative Assignment 3 really put a lot into perspective for me. What WILL people say about me when I die? Will my college friends mention how I got too drunk that one night at Home Bar? Or will that be a distant memory by the time my funeral rolls around? What is going to happen between now and then? Is there someone that will be speaking at my funeral that I haven't even met yet? 

I have been to my fair share of funerals over the years -- not a fun place to be. But it does provide a place to reflect. Reflect on their life, my life, and how my life changed with being a part of it. 

That sounds a lot like creativity -- reflection. Maybe not so much reflecting on loss or what could have been, but reflecting on what was. What was so special, was so great, was so impactful. You can't create without some sort of reflection. Every artists we have mentioned in class has had some sort of reflection on the past in order to jump to a conclusion and create something that reflects their reflection. Even in advertising -- you have to reflect on what makes a product unique and the human truths behind a product in order to create something that speaks to an audience. 

Reflection is important. Reflection is necessary. Funerals are sad, death is sad. But the reflection and gratefulness is almost worth the pain. 


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