Exit Through the Gift Shop - Entry 14

Suzy Dotson

Exit Through the Gift Shop - Entry 14

While this "Exit Through the Gift Shop" was a documentary exploring Banksy, Theirry, and their creative journey, I believe this was a true insight into the hold that power, confidence, and marketing can have on a project. 

Let's face it -- Theirry was a crazy lunatic with a dream. There are lots of people out in the world with these great, wonderful, and innovative ideas, but the chances of actually seeing these projects come to life are slim to none. It takes a plan, organization, and people to make something out of the ordinary come to fruition. And that's what Theirry did. For some reason, people trusted him and his vision. For some reason, without any organization, he was able to pull off his art exhibit and make $1 million in sales in one week. That is the power of marketing. 

It is crucial for artists to understand the importance of marketing. We often see marketing as advertising, spreadsheets, etc., but as artists, you need to be able to market yourself as a person because that's what you are selling—you. 


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