I Hate the Economy - Entry 21

Suzy Dotson

I Hate the Economy - Entry 

I hate the economy we are in. I hate spending a fortune on things like gas and groceries. I hate dropping a billion dollars on things I used to get for cheap. I hate not even being able to get a $1 Dr. Pepper from McDonald's anymore. Ugh. 

But I began to think about the effect that this bad phase we are in has on creatives and artists. Is a struggling economy good or bad for the creative market? 

We have seen an influx of movies, TV shows, and music. Why? Well, people need work and if you work in those industries, then creating content is your gateway to a paycheck. But are any projects failing because of the economy? What are projects that we don't get to see or enjoy just simply because producers and studios are short on cash? Or are they even being effected like other industries?

I also began to ponder the emotional toll our country is in and how that impacts creatives. How are artists responding in their projects to what is going on around them? Or are they even responding at all? 

I also think of the arts as separate from money. But it is not. Artists, producers, and studios need money and incomes just like the rest of us. It's important to remember that and also very interesting to see the effects that something like money can have on the art we digest. 


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