Nail Colors - Entry 19

Suzy Dotson

Nail Colors - Entry 19 

I sat down at the nail salon last week and loomed over the impending pile of colors that sat before me. Pink, purples, blues, even sparkly shades just waiting to be chosen by the girl who decided to step into the salon that afternoon. I love how women from all backgrounds -- moms, corporate heads, nurses -- all come together in this 'community' to complete one simple task. It is a beautiful representation of girlhood. 

Picking out a nail color may seem like the most mindless task but it is a big decision. First, you are stuck with this color for the next three weeks. Second, you are spending a fortune so you have to like the color you are picking. Third, your nail color says a lot about the person you are -- feeling bold this week or sticking with a subtle nude? 

I love seeing little creative choices like this that humans make. It reminds me that at the end of the day, no matter how creative or uncreative one may seem, we each get to engage in creative choices like this everyday. Trying out a new coffee order or picking out a new lipstick shade at the drugstore allows us to put creativity back into our mundane, everyday lives. 


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