OOTD - Entry 23

Suzy Dotson

OOTD (Outfit of the Day) - Entry 23 

Picking out an outfit might seem like the most boring activity on the planet. Or, possibly not even boring, just a mundane task that we humans have to do every single day. 

You wake up, brush your teeth, and throw on an outfit and shoes. Every. Single. Day. 

I thought about how such a boring task is actually our first glimpse into creativity. Red tie or blue tie? That's a creative choice. Athletic clothes or should I dress up for class? That's a creative choice. 

It opened my eyes into the millions of little creative choices that we get to make every day. These choices can affect our entire day. These choices can add a tiny bit of joy into our days and allow us to use the creative side of our brains, even when we feel like the most uncreative person on the planet. So, instead of rolling my eyes and viewing picking out an outfit as a chore, I am taking this small opportunity to stretch my creativity and add a sprinkle of joy into an average day. 


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