Spring is Here! - Entry 22

Suzy Dotson

Spring is Here! Entry 22

This weekend was beautiful. I enjoyed time outside, going on walks, and driving with the windows. Spring is officially here and I feel rejuvenated. I feel like a snake that has shed his old winter skin and is ready for the warm weather and later nights. 

I began to think about the mass effect that better weather and longer days can have on humans. I have always been one to suffer from S.A.D. (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and I am not a fan of the winter months. But when the sun begins to come out, I feel such a sense of rebirth and I have noticed that others around me feel the same. Warm weather has an effect on our moods, but can it affect our creative senses? I believe so. 

The cold constricts us -- we stay inside, bundled up, and go to bed early because the sun sets at 5pm. When the seasons change, so do we. We are more willing, and even prefer, walking to class. We'd take the long way home so we can keep our windows listening to music. We even may be more inclined to spend time with the ones we love because we can catch a happy hour on a patio. I believe the freedom that we have impacts our creativity. We have more time to brainstorm while baking in the sun. We take the time to pick out a new, creative outfit because now we can wear shorts instead of the same old sweats. 

Spring is a time for rebirth. It is a time to leave the past year behind and reevaluate our goals, relationships, and paths we want to take. Let's use this sunshine and new born freedom to invest in our creative check list and invest in ourselves. 


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