Trends - Entry 27

Suzy Dotson

Trends - Entry 27 

Trends: do they make us more or less creative? My TikTok is flooded with trends - outfit trends, makeup trends, food trends, sound trends. It feels like TikTok has just become a game of who can copy an idea the best instead of forming and executing original ideas. 

Have trends made us less creative? If we are only copying other people, is there space to form new ideas? What happened to creators promoting original content? Now it's just all about "nostalgia" A.K.A. taking the original ideas of the 90s and 2000s. 

On the opposite scope, maybe trends DO make us more creative. If we take a base idea, for example, a new trendy outfit idea, and constantly add new things, we are creating an entire new idea. Trying to adjust,  take away, and add new ideas to a base idea is connecting. Connecting one idea to one idea. Connecting is creativity. 

Maybe trends are making us less creative, maybe they are making us very creatively. Either way, we can't forget to connect our brains with others to create new, magnificent ideas. 


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