Ads I Love PT 2 - Entry 41

Suzy Dotson

Ads I Love PT 2 - Entry 41 

Monica Lewinsky for Reformation

Reformation is a women's clothing store. I love the style, just not the price point. We even have an in-person location right here on Knox-Henderson. 

I recently saw on TikTok (where I get all my news, duh?) that they recently teamed up with the infamous Monica Lewinsky for a campaign promoting shoppers to get out and vote in our upcoming election. I was absolutely stopped in my tracks. What an original, never-before-seen, BOLD, crazy, out-of-pocket collaboration. What a genius way to get customers to stop and say "Wow." And that's what this collaboration did. I follow several marketing and advertising influencers on social media and I have never seen so many creators commenting on the same piece before -- until now. 

I love the subtle nod to politics that Reformation is playing with here, using Monica's name. I love that this is going beyond just sticking any celebrity on Instagram with the caption "Go Vote!" This campaign is actually reaching their target market and achieving their highly specific goal by using a niche, appropriate, and could be controversial spokes person like Monica Lewinsky. Every Gen X, millennial, and even Gen Z woman that has even the slightest interest in pop culture is going to fall in love with and give a slight nod of approval to Reformation for this highly creative campaign. 


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