Being Alone - Entry 30

Suzy Dotson

Being Alone - Entry 30

During my three years here at SMU, I have learned that so many people are scared of being alone. I have friends that cannot spend more than an hour by themselves and always need to be surrounded by other people. I am quite the opposite. I could be dropped off at a deserted island and be perfectly content. 

Being able to be comfortable being alone is an important lesson to learn. At the end of the day, that is the only guarantee. Friends come and go, partners leave, and families pass away. As sad and gruesome as that is, it's the truth. So might as well be comfortable with yourself now, because you'll be with yourself for the rest of time. 

I also think being alone sparks creativity. I used to think I needed to be overly stimulated by media, friends, or even strangers in order to think of a creative idea or learn something new. But sometimes my most creative or innovative thoughts come from the silence of being by myself. I challenge you to take one day this week and spend it completely alone with yourself. It's amazing to see what can spark from just the time spent alone. 


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