Busy, Broke, & Bothered - Entry 49

Suzy Dotson

Busy, Broke, & Bothered - Entry 49 

It's that time of the year. My to-do list is so long that I have to pencil in when to shower. My bank account is drained from a fun but chaotic semester. And the cherry on top: everyone is pissing me TF off. With that being said, it is time for a much-needed break. I need a break away from my calendar, friends that I spend *too* much time with, and a rest from Canvas notifications. 

This semester, my blogs have served as a time-out—time away from a busy, bustling, and hectic day, time away from people to reflect and sit with my own thoughts, time away from what I have to do, and time spent thinking and writing about what I enjoy. 

That's what creativity does for us. While thinking creatively can sometimes seem like a lot of work, it can also be a way to let your mind wander instead of sticking to the usual strict routine. I have learned that, in fact, I am more engaged in my busy, crazy days after I submit my blog posts. Something about taking a 5-10 minute pause wakes my brain up, something I never expected from this blog writing journey. 

So, take a minute to doodle. Pause to write a short poem about what's happening outside your office window. Create a mood board to envision the peace after the storm. Take a much-needed and much-deserved break delving into creativity, and you may end up more productive than you would have thought. 


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