Easter - Entry 34

Suzy Dotson

Easter - Entry 34 

I love Easter. The dreary weather is gone, school is almost out, and long summer days are right around the corner. My favorite part about Easter is going to church with my family. I decided to stay in Dallas this year, and attended a new church with friends. As I was waiting to go in the sanctuary, I was brought back to a childhood memory -- dressing in Sunday's best. I love seeing all the outfits. The glam, the colors, the perfect hair do's that I'm sure sparked a lot of tears between moms and daughters. 

Nevertheless, the outfits on Easter Sunday always bring a smile to my face. I love that as a society, we collectively decide to put the dreary winter coats aside and showoff that new spring dress or suit that we hunted for at the mall last weekend. It is a symbol of the winter times passing and the new breath of spring coming. 


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