GirlBossTown - Entry 43

Suzy Dotson

GirlBossTown - Entry 43 

Robyn DelMonte, also known as GirlBossTown on TikTok, has recently become one of my favorite influencers and pop-culture commentators. She is known on social media for her entertaining insights into marketing, public relations, and advertising. 

Anytime there is a new PR crisis, new relationship on the horizon, or ground-breaking advertising campaign, you can count on Robyn to make a video about it. I love hearing her views and ideas, as they are always honest and something I had never heard before, which can be rare for social media. 

She began her account because she could not find a job in a marketing or advertising role and was working as a waitress in Boston. Now, she interviews celebrities on red carpets and creatively directs Super Bowl commercials. It is so inspiring to see that just because you don't fit into the cookie-cutter mold of a 9-5 career, your ideas still matter, and you can, in fact, become successful. 


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