Interior Design - Entry 32

Suzy Dotson

Interior Design - Entry 32

Over the years, I have created these little floor plan layouts for dorms and apartments, thanks to Canva. If you didn't believe I had crippling OCD before, I sure this proves it. I love planning and designing and this has been such a fun way for me to organize my thoughts. 

My brother is attending SCAD in the fall for interior design and I always amazed at the talent designers have. They can look at an empty space and fill it completely in their heads in a span of five minutes. My brother has a natural gift for it -- I do not. I always bring my Canva floor plans to him and wait for the head shaking to begin. But, nevertheless, I enjoy it. It is so satisfying to take empty rooms and blank walls and transform it to a space that reflects me and becomes a home. 


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