Piano - Entry 39

Suzy Dotson

Piano - Entry 39 

I was thinking back to times when I have done something creative. I played piano for several years but how is that creative, I was just using other peoples songs? But then I remembered -- I actually wrote my own song, with the help of my teacher of course. 

I was about 8 years old and my teacher presented the idea of writing my own song, to teach me what the songwriting process looked like. I remember being so excited. We worked on it for weeks and I spent every free moment at home writing poems, searching clever synonym's on my dad's computer, and making my family read over my work at the dinner table. 

Above is a picture of our first writing session together. Deciding what the overall theme was, the sound I wanted to create (with the limited knowledge I had), and finding ways to string words together. 

It doesn't take a genius to realize this isn't Mozart. But it was creative. It was making something out of nothing. And it was fun. It taught me that art or music does not have to be perfect or win a Grammy to be enjoyable. Creativity is all about taking that first step towards something great. 


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