Playlists - Entry 31

Suzy Dotson

Playlists - Entry 31 

I am very proud of my playlist names. They used to just be named "Country" or "Taylor Swift" and have the generic Apple-generated thumbnail. Don't judge, I AM an Apple Music fan. But I decided to spice it up. Now I have Little Miss Nashville, thank you TikTok, with a photo of my best friend and I before a night on Broadway. My TN to TX playlist is a combination of my favorite music that keeps me entertained during my 10-hour drive from Dallas to Nashville every year. 

It's fun to take little creative strides like this. Creativity is a way to spice up what normally can be a very boring or unimportant thing. And creativity also doesn't have to be hard or time-consuming. All I did here was add emojis or fun punctuation marks, and take fun photos from either my own personal camera roll or ones I had saved on Pinterest. Creativity is and can be a way to a small piece of joy into our everyday routines.


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