Running Out of Ideas? - Entry 38

Suzy Dotson

Running Out of Ideas? - Entry 38 

I would call myself a major connoisseur of TV shows. My friends always make fun of me because I prefer to have a show on in the background instead of music, like a normal person. I always have a show on and am always looking for the next show to add to my list. 

I've been thinking about the behind-the-process of making and writing shows (thanks to Quiet on Set). What does the writers room look like? How do writers just produce ideas out of thin air? How do they find actors and sets that perfectly match the vision they have in their head? How many different ideas can people come up with???

I thought about New Girl and Friends... very similar shows. How similar is too similar? The shows are basically the same, just with a 20-year difference, in my opinion. So this begs the question...what happens when creatives run out of ideas? Or is it impossible to run out of ideas, they're just lazy and sticking to what they know works?

In the context of TV production, I believe the answer lies in whatever makes the most money, regardless of if it's been done before. For artists, does copying other art work really work or is it better to take the risk, even if you aren't sure of the monetary outcome? I'm sure this is a debate pondered by all artists over time and over the span of their career. After yesterday's money post, it is so important to evaluate the heavy hold money has over us, even the arts. 


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