Shot Books - Entry 42

Suzy Dotson

Shot Books - Entry 42

I was browsing through my Canva account and saw a graveyard of all the shot book pages I have made. Shot books are a collection of pages made by friends to commemorate a 21st birthday. I found the progression I have made over the years to be so interesting. 

The first page I made was for my friend Wyn. I remember it taking me hours and being completely stressed over the idea of using Canva, a software I had never used before. It's safe to say it was not my best work.

Then, I not only made a page for my friend Ella but was also in charge of compiling the entire scrapbook. I felt a little more comfortable this time, but it was still not up to par with what I would have liked due to time restraints. 

Finally, I made a page for my friend Olivia. After several advertising and marketing classes and time spent on Canva for my sorority role, I made this page in a flash. I felt immensely more equipped and able to produce a better shot book page and was very proud of my work. 

Even though this creative endeavor was a silly project surrounded by alcohol and birthday parties, it taught me the importance of progress. When it comes to creative projects, it can be easy to keep on the same track and give up learning new tools to improve your work. It's important to always strive for bigger and better work, no matter the activity.  


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