Transformation of Social Media - Entry 44

Suzy Dotson

Transformation of Social Media - Entry 44 

I've noticed a giant shift in social media use, primarily since COVID. Gen Z does not use social media to update their friends on their lives. Gen Z is using TikTok and Instagram as creative outlets, which has never been done before with social media. Gen Z focuses on creative photography and witty captions, keeping with the theme of their feed and adding an element of mystery to their accounts. 

In the past, Facebook was used to post family vacations, pictures of kids, or tell followers about important life events. Gen X continues to use social media in this way. They post very straightforward pictures with very straightforward captions, leaving nothing up to the imagination. 

Why has this shift happened? How long does this last before we start using social media like our parents? I love that Gen Z has decided to approach social media in a creative light rather than as a way to update people on their lives. It's almost more intimate, no? If we are truly friends, you don't need to find out about my engagement through Instagram—you'll hear about it when I tell you myself. 

Perhaps we desperately need a creative outlet as a generation living in today's world. Perhaps we so desperately desire real connection that we have given up on the idea of social media after watching Millenials grow up with it. Maybe after seeing the messes that social media creates, we will just use it as a fun photography tool. Perhaps we will grow and become some of the most creative people in our history due to our response to Instagram. 


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