
Reflection - Entry 50

Suzy Dotson Reflection - Entry 50  In the last couple of months, my computer screen has spent much time looking like this. I made a plan halfway through the semester on how to complete this assignment. Let's just say I'm glad I did. I have learned several things about myself, creativity, and advertising throughout this creative class and blog writing process.  Some things I knew, and some I was excited to discover.  1. You are a ~master~ procrastinator when you don't have a plan. You need a plan.  2. You're not that artistic. And that's okay.  3. You really, really love working with creative people. Keep pursuing that dream.  4. However, they really stress you out. Don't be scared, you love them, remember !!!! 5. You really like to write. Maybe you should get a journal.  6. You should've been an advertising major. You already knew that.  7. I know you wish you were one of those "crazy creative" people.  Remember, you have other skills that ar...

Busy, Broke, & Bothered - Entry 49

Suzy Dotson Busy, Broke, & Bothered - Entry 49  It's that time of the year. My to-do list is so long that I have to pencil in when to shower. My bank account is drained from a fun but chaotic semester. And the cherry on top: everyone is pissing me TF off. With that being said, it is time for a much-needed break. I need a break away from my calendar, friends that I spend *too* much time with, and a rest from Canvas notifications.  This semester, my blogs have served as a time-out—time away from a busy, bustling, and hectic day, time away from people to reflect and sit with my own thoughts, time away from what I have to do, and time spent thinking and writing about what I enjoy.  That's what creativity does for us. While thinking creatively can sometimes seem like a lot of work, it can also be a way to let your mind wander instead of sticking to the usual strict routine. I have learned that, in fact, I am more engaged in my busy, crazy days after I submit my blog p...

Stage Manager Era - Entry 48

Suzy Dotson Stage Manager Era - Entry 48 The only reason I still have Snapchat is for the Memories that pop up and remind me of times like this. In high school, I was a stage manager in the theatre program for all 4 years. One of the pictures that came up was my props and set-up schedule. Although I wasn't a creative up on the stage, it took a lot of creative thinking to handle and organize the chaos that was backstage. I miss this era and time of my life.  However, I am so excited to see my brother perform in his last musical of his high school career this weekend (even though I secretly wish I was backstage). 

Mood Boards - Entry 47

Suzy Dotson Mood Boards - Entry 47  Throughout my time at SMU, I have made several mood boards. Whether they are for a project, a class, or just for fun, I have had lots of experience making inspirational, creative mood boards to organize my thoughts.  I usually prefer to write things down, but some ideas just need to be presented in pictures. When planning a sorority event, we had a dress code, and members asked for ideas. There are only so many things words can do, so I made a mood board conveying the vibe I was looking for.  Besides making the boards for projects or events, I also love making them for fun. I love browsing Pinterest for pictures or quotes and adding my own photos for a personal touch. It is so satisfying to bring a bunch of separate ideas together to tell a story or represent myself. 

Growth - Entry 46

Suzy Dotson Growth - Entry 46  There is nothing more satisfying or rewarding than seeing progress within yourself. Whether that be progress in the gym, progress on an assignment, or growing intellectually.  I love the NYT Games app. If you know me, you know I never stop talking about it. It has become an integral part of my daily routine. One of my favorite games is Connections, but I have always been bad at it. Having to look up hints, watching TikToks of those who have already gotten it, and continuing to be frustrated with myself for not having enough creativity to figure it out.  But alas, yesterday was the day. I completed every single Connection without a single spoiler from the Internet. All of my hard work has paid off. All of those failed attempts are behind now. I feel like the most creative person in the world.  Connections  Puzzle #301 🟨🟨🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟦🟦🟦🟦 🟪🟪🟪🟪

Totality Awesome - Entry 45

Suzy Dotson Totality Awesome - Entry 45  I apologize for the horribly punny title, but I saw an opportunity and took it.  Today is the total solar eclipse, and Dallas is one of the major cities on its path. I love days like today. People from all over the world stop what they are doing to enjoy one of life's rare and crazy events.  I wrote a haiku to commemorate today's event:  I love attention.  People stop and stare at me.  Good to be the Sun. 

Transformation of Social Media - Entry 44

Suzy Dotson Transformation of Social Media - Entry 44  I've noticed a giant shift in social media use, primarily since COVID. Gen Z does not use social media to update their friends on their lives. Gen Z is using TikTok and Instagram as creative outlets, which has never been done before with social media. Gen Z focuses on creative photography and witty captions, keeping with the theme of their feed and adding an element of mystery to their accounts.  In the past, Facebook was used to post family vacations, pictures of kids, or tell followers about important life events. Gen X continues to use social media in this way. They post very straightforward pictures with very straightforward captions, leaving nothing up to the imagination.  Why has this shift happened? How long does this last before we start using social media like our parents? I love that Gen Z has decided to approach social media in a creative light rather than as a way to update people on their lives. It's almo...